
The Esgtroller is the risk management layer of the Eco DeFi protocol; it determines how much collateral a user is required to maintain, and whether (and by how much) a user can be liquidated. Each time a user interacts with a eToken, the Esgtroller is asked to approve or deny the transaction.

The Esgtroller maps user balances to prices (via the Price Oracle) to risk weights (called Collateral Factors) to make its determinations. Users explicitly list which assets they would like to be included in their risk scoring, by calling Enter Markets and Exit Market.


The Esgtroller is implemented as an upgradeable proxy. The Unitroller proxies all logic to the Esgtroller implementation, but storage values are set on the Unitroller. To call Esgtroller functions, use the Esgtroller ABI on the Unitroller address.

Enter Markets

Enter into a list of markets - it is not an error to enter into the same market more than once. In order to supply collateral or borrow in a market, it must be entered first.


  • msg.sender: The account which shall enter the given markets.

  • eTokens: The addresses of the eToken markets to enter.

  • RETURN: For each market, returns an error code indicating whether or not it was entered. Each is 0 on success, otherwise an Error code.

function enterMarkets(address[] calldata eTokens) returns (uint[] memory)

  • msg.sender: The account which shall enter the given markets.

  • eTokens: The addresses of the eToken markets to enter.

  • RETURN: For each market, returns an error code indicating whether or not it was entered. Each is 0 on success, otherwise an Error code.

Exit Market

Exit a market - it is not an error to exit a market which is not currently entered to. Exited markets will not count towards account liquidity calculations.


function exitMarket(address eToken) returns (uint)
  • msg.sender: The account which shall exit the given market.

  • eTokens: The addresses of the eToken market to exit.

  • RETURN: 0 on success, otherwise an Error code.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

uint error = troll.exitMarket(EToken(0x3FDA...));

Get Assets In

Get the list of markets an account is currently entered into. In order to supply collateral or borrow in a market, it must be entered first. Entered markets count towards account liquidity calculations.


function getAssetsIn(address account) view returns (address[] memory)
  • account: The account whose list of entered markets shall be queried.

  • RETURN: The address of each market which is currently entered into.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

address[] memory markets = troll.getAssetsIn(0xMyAccount);

Collateral Factor

An eToken's collateral factor can range from 0-90%, and represents the proportionate increase in liquidity (borrow limit) that an account receives by minting eToken.

Generally, large or liquid assets have high collateral factors, while small or illiquid assets have low collateral factors. If an asset has a 0% collateral factor, it can't be used as collateral (or seized in liquidation), though it can still be borrowed.

Collateral factors can be increased (or decreased) through Eco DeFi Governance, as market conditions change.


function markets(address eTokenAddress) view returns (bool, uint, bool)
  • eTokenAddress: The address of the eToken to check if listed and get the collateral factor for.

  • RETURN: Tuple of values (isListed, collateralFactorMantissa, isEsged); isListed represents whether the Esgtroller recognizes this eToken; collateralFactorMantissa, scaled by 1e18, is multiplied by a supply balance to determine how much value can be borrowed. The isEsged boolean indicates whether or not suppliers and borrowers are distributed Eco tokens.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

(bool isListed, uint collateralFactorMantissa, bool isEsged) =;

Get Account Liquidity

Account Liquidity represents the USD value borrowable by a user, before it reaches liquidation. Users with a shortfall (negative liquidity) are subject to liquidation, and can withdraw or borrow assets until Account Liquidity is positive again.

For each market the user has entered into, their supplied balance is multiplied by the market collateral factor, and summed; borrow balances are then subtracted, to equal Account Liquidity. Borrowing an asset reduces Account Liquidity for each USD borrowed; withdrawing an asset reduces Account Liquidity by the asset collateral factor times each USD withdrawn.

Because the Eco DeFi Protocol exclusively uses unsigned integers, Account Liquidity returns either a surplus or shortfall.


function getAccountLiquidity(address account) view returns (uint, uint, uint)
  • account: The account whose liquidity shall be calculated.

  • RETURN: Tuple of values (error, liquidity, shortfall). The error shall be 0 on success, otherwise an error code. A non-zero liquidity value indicates the account has available account liquidity. A non-zero shortfall value indicates the account is currently below his/her collateral requirement and is subject to liquidation. At most one of liquidity or shortfall shall be non-zero.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

(uint error, uint liquidity, uint shortfall) = troll.getAccountLiquidity(msg.caller);

require(error == 0, "join the Discord");

require(shortfall == 0, "account underwater");

require(liquidity > 0, "account has excess collateral");

Close Factor

The percent, ranging from 0% to 100%, of a liquidatable account's borrow that can be repaid in a single liquidate transaction. If a user has multiple borrowed assets, the closeFactor applies to any single borrowed asset, not the aggregated value of a user outstanding borrowing.


function closeFactorMantissa() view returns (uint)
  • RETURN: The closeFactor, scaled by 1e18, is multiplied by an outstanding borrow balance to determine how much could be closed.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

uint closeFactor = troll.closeFactorMantissa();

Liquidation Incentive

The additional collateral given to liquidators as an incentive to perform liquidation of underwater accounts. For example, if the liquidation incentive is 1.1, liquidators receive an extra 15% of the borrowers collateral for every unit they close.


function liquidationIncentiveMantissa() view returns (uint)
  • RETURN: The liquidationIncentive, scaled by 1e18, is multiplied by the closed borrow amount from the liquidator to determine how much collateral can be seized.

Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

uint closeFactor = troll.liquidationIncentiveMantissa();

Key Events



MarketEntered(EToken eToken, address account)

Emitted upon a successful Enter Market.

MarketExited(EToken eToken, address account)

Emitted upon a successful Exit Market.

Error Codes




Not a failure.


The sender is not authorized to perform this action.


Liquidation cannot be performed in markets with different Esgtroller.


The account does not have sufficient shortfall to perform this action.


The account does not have sufficient liquidity to perform this action.


The close factor is not valid.


The collateral factor is not valid.


The liquidation incentive is invalid.


The market has not been entered by the account.


The market is not currently listed by the comptroller.


An admin tried to list the same market more than once.


A math calculation error occurred.


The action cannot be performed since the account carries a borrow balance.


The Esgtroller could not obtain a required price of an asset.


The Esgtroller rejects the action requested by the market.


The Esgtroller could not get the account borrows and exchange rate from the market.


Attempted to enter more markets than are currently supported.


Attempted to repay more than is allowed by the protocol.

Failure Info





















ESG Distribution Speeds

ESG Speed

The "ESG Speed" unique to each market is an unsigned integer that specifies the amount of ESG that is distributed, per block, to suppliers and borrowers in each market. This number can be changed for individual markets by calling the_setEsgSpeed method through a successful Eco DeFi Governance proposal.

The following is the formula for calculating the rate that ESG is distributed to each supported market.

utility = eTokenTotalBorrows * assetPrice

utilityFraction = utility / sumOfAllECOedMarketUtilities

marketEsgSpeed = EsgRate * utilityFraction

ESG Distributed Per Block (All Markets)

The Esgtroller contract EsgRate is an unsigned integer that indicates the rate at which the protocol distributes ESG to markets suppliers or borrowers, every BSC block. The value is the amount of ESG (in wei), per block, allocated for the markets. Note that not every market has ESG distributed to its participants (see Market Metadata).

The EsgRate indicates how much ESG goes to the suppliers or borrowers, so doubling this number shows how much ESG goes to all suppliers and borrowers combined. The code examples implement reading the amount of ESG distributed, per Ethereum block, to all markets.


uint public EsgRate;
Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

// ESG issued per block to suppliers OR borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgRate = troll.EsgRate();

// Approximate ESG issued per day to suppliers OR borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgRatePerDay = EsgRate * 4 * 60 * 24;

// Approximate ESG issued per day to suppliers AND borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgRatePerDayTotal = EsgRatePerDay * 2;

ESG Distributed Per Block (Single Market)

The Esgtroller contract has a mapping called EsgSpeeds. It maps eToken addresses to an integer of each market ESG distribution per BSC block. The integer indicates the rate at which the protocol distributes ESG to markets suppliers or borrowers. The value is the amount of ESG (in wei), per block, allocated for the market. Note that not every market has ESG distributed to its participants (see Market Metadata).

The speed indicates how much ESG goes to the suppliers or the borrowers, so doubling this number shows how much ESG goes to market suppliers and borrowers combined. The code examples implement reading the amount of ESG distributed, per BSC block, to a single market.


mapping(address => uint) public EsgSpeeds;
Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0x123...);

address eToken = 0xabc...;

// ESG issued per block to suppliers OR borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgSpeed = troll.EsgSpeeds(eToken);

// Approximate ESG issued per day to suppliers OR borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgSpeedPerDay = EsgSpeed * 4 * 60 * 24;

// Approximate ESG issued per day to suppliers AND borrowers * (1 * 10 ^ 18)
uint EsgSpeedPerDayTotal = EsgSpeedPerDay * 2;

Claim Eco

Every Eco DeFi user accrues ESG for each block they are supplying to or borrowing from the protocol. Users may call the Esgtroller's claimEsg method at any time to transfer ESG accrued to their address.


// Claim all the ESG accrued by holder in all markets
function claimEsg(address holder) public

// Claim all the ESG accrued by holder in specific markets
function claimEsg(address holder, EToken[] memory eTokens) public

// Claim all the ESG accrued by specific holders in specific markets for their supplies and/or borrows
function claimEsg(address[] memory holders, EToken[] memory eTokens, bool borrowers, bool suppliers) public
Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);


Market Metadata

The Esgtroller contract has an array called getAllMarkets that contains the addresses of each eToken contract. Each address in the getAllMarketsarray can be used to fetch a metadata struct in the Esgtroller markets constant. See the Esgtroller Storage contract for the Market struct definition.


EToken[] public getAllMarkets;
Esgtroller troll = Esgtroller(0xABCD...);

EToken eTokens[] = troll.getAllMarkets();

Last updated